Export Settings

Export configuration from a server. If you don't specify a to, we look for a CommandBox server using the current working directory. Only rely on this if you have a single CommandBox server running in the current directory.

cfconfig export myConfig.json
cfconfig export from=serverNameToExportFrom to=myconfig.json
cfconfig export from=/path/to/server/home to=myconfig.json

All the same rules for engine format and version apply.

cfconfig export to=/path/to/.CFConfig.json from=/path/to/server/home fromFormat=luceeServer@5.1

The version number can be left off toFormat and fromFormat when reading or writing to a CFConfig JSON file or a CommandBox server since we already know the version. If you don't specify a Lucee web or Server context, we default to server. Use a format of "luceeWeb" to switch.

cfconfig export to=myConfig.json fromFormat=luceeWeb

In some situations you might need to alter the data being imported such as with Scheduled Tasks that you might not want to run on the target server. Adding the --pauseTasks flag will import the scheduled tasks in the paused state.

IncludeList and excludeList

You can customize what config settings are transferred with the includeList and excludeList params. If at least one include pattern is provided, only matching settings will be included. Nested keys such as datasources.myDSN or mailservers[1] can be used. You may also use basic wildcards in your pattern. A single * will match any number of chars inside a key name. A double ** will match any number of nested keys.

# Include all settings starting with "event"
cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json includeList=event*
# Exclude all keys called "password" regardless of what struct they are in
cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json excludeList=**.password

Append flag

Use the append parameter to merge incoming data with any data already present. For example, if a server already has one datasource defined, and you import a JSON file with 2 more unique datasources, the --append flag will not remove the pre-existing one.

cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json includeList=datasources --append

JSON Expansion Replacements

If you usually replace sensitive or volatile information in a JSON export with env var expansions like ${DB_PASSWORD}, you can do this automatically my supplying one or more replace mappings. The key is a regular expression to match a key in the format of datasources.myDSN.password and the value is the name of the env var to use. The values will be written to a .env file in the current working directory. You can override this path with the dotenvFile param, or pass an empty string to disable it from being written.

cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json replace:datasources\.myDSN\.password=DB_PASSWORD

As the value is a regular expression, you can use backreferences like \1 in your env var to make them dynamic. This example would create env vars such as DB_MYDSN_PASSWORD where MYDSN is your actual datasource name.

cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json replace:datasources\.(.*)\.password=DB_\1_PASSWORD

Any valid regex is possible for some clever replacements. This example would create env vars such as DB_MYDSN_PORT, DB_MYDSN_HOST, and DB_MDSN_DATABASE

cfconfig export to=.CFConfig.json replace:datasources\.(.*)\.(password|class|port|host|database)=DB_\1_\2 dotenvFile=../../settings.properties

To avoid having to pass these replacements every time you transfer your config, you can set then as a global setting for the commandbox-cfconfig module.

# Replace all mail server passwords with ${MAIL_PASSWORD}
config set modules.commandbox-cfconfig.JSONExpansions[mailServers.*.password]=MAIL_PASSWORD
# Dynamically replace with ${DB_MYDSN_password}, ${DB_MYDSN_CLASS}, ${DB_MYDSN_PORT}, etc
config set modules.commandbox-cfconfig.JSONExpansions[datasources\.(.*)\.(password|class|port|host|database)]=DB_\1_\2
# Use default env var name for all settings starting with "requestTimeout" and replace with ${REQUEST_TIMEOUT} and ${REQUEST_TIMEOUT_ENABLED}
config set modules.commandbox-cfconfig.JSONExpansions[requestTimeout.*]=

Note, the config set syntax shown above require at least CommandBox 5.4.0

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