CFConfig gives you the ability to manage almost every setting that shows up in the web administrator, but instead of logging into a web interface, you can manage it from the command line by hand or as part of a scripted server setup. You can seamlessly transfer config for all the following:
CF Mappings
Mail servers
Request, session, or application timeouts
Licensing information (for Adobe)
Template caching settings
Basically any settings in the web-based administrator
Use on any server
CFConfig will work on any CF server regardless of how it was installed. Since it interacts directly with the config files, the server doesn't need to be running. Heck, the server doesn't even need to be installed yet! CFConfig can be used to write out config files before you even start a CommandBox server for the first time.
But it's not just for CommandBox servers. All you need is the folder path to the CF home in your server installation and you can point the CFConfig library at it. This means CFConfig can be used for syncing config across existing servers, standing up docker containers, or provisioning Vagrant VMs.
How does it work
CFConfig interfaces directly with the XML and property files used by your CF engine to store its configuration. It takes care of translating the config properly so you use the same commands regardless of what engine you're managing the config for. The tool will try hard to figure out the version of ColdFusion or Lucee that you have installed, and there are hints you can give it as well. Both ACF and Lucee also have settings to monitor the config files for changes, so you don't even need to restart the server to pick up your changes.
CFConfig exists in two parts:
A service layer for reading, writing, and storing configuration for all CF engines.
A set of scriptable commands built on top of CommandBox CLI.
CFConfig Service Layer
The heart of CFConfig is a standalone module that provides a set of models and services for interacting with configuration files for all CF engines. This library allows for reading, writing, storing, and diffing configuration. This is an underlying service layer meant to have other tools built on top of it.
The CFConfig services do not require CommandBox but can be used on their own and provide a nice, fluent API for managing configs. They do not use RDS and don't need the server to be running. The services just need access to the installation folder for a server to locate its config files.
Features at a Glance
Generic JSON storage of any CF engine's settings
Engine-specific mappings for all major engines to convert their config to and from the generic JSON format
Export config from a server as a backup
Import config to a server to speed/automate setup
Copy config from one server to another. Servers could be different engines–i.e., copy config from Adobe CF11 to Lucee 5.
Merge config from multiple servers together. Ex: combine several Lucee web contexts into a single config (mappings, datasources, etc.)
CFConfig CLI
The CLI portion of CFConfig wraps up the services layer into a CommandBox module that provides command line access to all the features above, but from your native OS shell, bash scripts, automations, or Docker/Vagrant/Heroku provisioners.
The CFConfig CLI also has a deep integration with CommandBox servers, making it very easy to manage their configuration.
Features at a Glance
Provides a native CLI tool for managing server configuration
Scriptable for automated server setup
Provides complete command help built-in
Tight integration with CommandBox servers
Last updated
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